Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Alert, Alert: Sensor Battery Low

Yes, my iPod sensor has low batteries and I have to buy another one. This is both good and bad.
It is good because it means that I have run enough since getting my Nike+it has wore out its batteries. Which is kind of awesome!
I first got my Nike+ about 2 years ago. I loved it from the start. The great thing about it is that it tracks how many miles you've gone.
Before your run, you tell it what your goal is for that run. You can have a time goal, a calorie goal, and, my personal fav, a mileage goal. I don't really know what it is like for the other goal types, but the mile goal gives you feedback as you go. A nice little voice will butt into your music and say, "Halfway point," or "400 meters to go!" Its awesome for inspiration! I don't know how many times I've opened up my stride when it says that I have 400 meters to go.
Another cool thing about the Nike+ is that it gives you a summary of your run: miles completed, time, calories, and pace. And if you're really good, Lance Armstrong will tell you that you did a great job. How cool is that?!
The bad part about my low battery is that I have to buy another one, of course! It is making me think whether I really want to continue this affair with the Nike+. I know that I can get the watch or another brand that sensors your run, but I'm not sure if I can find a cheap one that interrupts your music like the Nike+. I know that Apple has a monopoly on their accessories so I think this will be pretty hard.
Either way, I can't imagine running without something to tell me how I am doing or how long I've run. I know that for hundreds of years, people have been running without a Nike +.....but my question is how?!? I may find out if my battery runs out before I get a chance to buy a new one.
I am going to North Carolina this weekend to see my mom and my BFF's sister (her biking blog is http://letsgorideabike.wordpress.com/) so expect to see a blog or two about running in warm, humid weather, in the country where people look at runners funny. "Wuts she running frum?!"<--- in my best country voice.


Unknown said...

lol..wow..I was just looking up one of those sensors for myself. I recently got an ipod touch and it came with the Nike program. Now I will definitely get it. I hear good things about it.


Anonymous said...

"Wuts she running frum" - snort. Good accent! I often wonder what people did before technology, too: no Google, no cell phones, no digital cameras?? Impossible to imagine :)